Atlanta Business Chronicle: Money trumps NBA All-Stars concerns with Atlanta set to host
February 8, 2021
‘Dr. Bernie Mullin, the former president and CEO of the Hawks, believes holding the game is what’s best for the league, which has postponed 23 contests so far because of the Covid-19 virus. Even if there are positive cases.
“One or two players may test positive and won’t be able to participate and the fans will be socially distanced,” he said. “It’ll overwhelmingly be a TV event, but it’s a big global event.”
“If these clubs weren’t owned by incredibly wealthy individuals, some of them would be in financial trouble,” Mullin said. “The drain on the resources of billionaire owners is significant, even if they’re billionaires. When you have $60 million worth of ticket revenue that’s gone down to $5 million, these are big hits that have impacted over two seasons.”’
Read the entire article by Eric Jackson, Sports Business Reporter, here.